After the events of the last week we are actually going to have a relatively quiet week.
The full moon this morning was very strong. I went to bed feeling rather dizzy and anxious last night. Pluto conjunct this full moon, leaving some of us sensitive souls tired, bringing intensity that can overwhelm you.
There may be a woman in your life that you have had an intense experience with, as its a full moon and time of endings its likely that it ended up being a negative experience and a time to say goodbye.
There is still time to use the energy of this moon to your advantage. De clutter, fix something, finish that job you have been planning to do for ages and if you want to have a career change then tonight light a candle, (or just simply look up into the sky and focus on the moon or a twinkling star ) and imagine that you have already got that job that will make you happy. It may not come to you straight away, but the fact that you have decided on making a change and imagining you already have it will make a difference to your life. Then just let go and trust the universe.
If you cant change you job, then think about the positives of your work rather than the negatives. It will make a big difference to your Monday morning :)
Have a calm and productive week. xxxxxx

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