On Monday there is a Mercury/Saturn square, which can make us feel like we have taken steps back into last march. This sometimes can cause a minor feeling of depression, especially as the nights start to draw in, it might be with buying yourself a sad lamp or brightening up your home with yellow flowers, it will also help to get out in the fresh air and get some sunshine.
Thursday there is a Jupiter/Uranus opposition, giving you a shot to shine brightly just as you are, so what if you do things differently from the norm?! This is what makes you stand out from everyone else, do not be afraid to be yourself .....................you are BE(YOU)TIFUL!!!!!
Pluto turns direct on this day too, Pluto spends 5 months of the year in retrograde, when it turns direct, its like we get a shot of all those things we may of had to put on hold, and is always a good time for new beginnings when it comes to learning about yourself and your inner psyche.
On Friday Neptune and Venus are opposite each other, this can seem rather romantic, but can leave us wearing rose tinted glasses when it comes to the opposite sex and money. So be warned that all may not be what it seems so keep those feet firmly on the ground.....love and lust and need and want are two totally different things, Do not do something that you will later regret!
Mercury moves into the balanced sign of Libra on Friday too, so you will find the next few weeks will be less about order, being critical and perfection, and more about balance, charm diplomacy when it comes to communications.
On Sunday we have a Pluto/Mars trine.....think back to the beginning of April and how productive you were, you have another chance to get on with the things we should of completed by now.
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