On Tuesday Venus and Pluto connects. Relationships are in the spotlight and will be scrutinised, if you are in a committed stable relationship, all will be well, if not be on guard for a few hiccups and home truths....this may be very hard especially if you are the type of person that dislikes confrontation, but it will give you a chance to go deep and create positive fresh starts with each other. Don't miss this opportunity to sort out any differences.
We have a full moon in Aries on Thursday, known as the harvest moon, as it is the first full moon after the equinox. I love this moon, and is a great moon to set intentions you would like in a relationship. So if you are single a little ritual you can do:
light a candle and sit down with a pen and paper.
Start by writing the date and dear full moon in Aries..........
Think about all the traits that you would like in a potential partner.......Yes you might like a specific look, green eyes, dark hair, tall. Write this all down, but it is also very important to think about the attributes that make you compatible in a relationship......Emotionally stable is always a good one to start, as you can meet that perfect person but they will mess you around or drive you crazy with their ways.......
place you paper in a trinket box, or somewhere safe and forget about it, when you next meet someone have a look, you will be amazed by the results!
You should meet someone by the Libra full moon in March next year.......
You might think I am cukoo but worth a try right?!?! it worked for me :)
On this day we also have a Venus/Mars conjunction in Virgo. Try not to get too wound up with your partner and their annoy little habits, and remember that no one is perfect!!
On Sunday we have a Venus/Saturn square.....you will need to remember that duty and responsibilities is so much more important than looks and having fun and you really need to love yourself first as the unique individual that you are...warts and all.
We also have a Sun/Mercury superior conjunction...this is where mercury catches up with the sun and gets ahead, meaning that there will be lots of mental energy in the air, our minds will work quickly and objectively, its a day to get things done.
Much love xxxxxxxx
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