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After all the drama of the last few months, September will bring a little light relief, especially now that Mars is now moving forwards again. The 3 eclipse energy we have experienced may have propelled you into new directions, whether it was leaving behind old ways of thinking, the end of a relationship, loss of a loved one, moving home or taking the step to leave your job and start a new one. This is a new beginning that was needed so you have no time now for looking back. Keep moving forward in a positive new direction!
3rd-9th September
It is a busy start to the month.
We start the week on a nice note with a mercury/Venus dance, your head and heart are on the same page, it will be a pleasant day and would be a good day to take time out and relax, your appreciation of beauty is high today so surround yourself with comforting objects or get out for fresh air in the countryside!
On Wednesday mercury returns back to analytical Virgo, which means communications will start to run smooth again. You may find those missing e mails and texts turn up in your inbox too! You may have felt like you have been chasing your tail the last few weeks, but this week you will feel that you can catch up.
On Thursday Saturn turns direct, so it is time to start to focus again on all those plans, we tend to think more inward when Saturn turns retrograde but as it turns forward we become more outward thinking.
The weekend is a little intense, Friday you will need to be careful if you are out drinking! You may find that you get drunker than usual or find yourself easily led. You may be feeling the need to retreat from the world, so if you can concentrate on something spiritual or creative. Saturday do not make any major decisions when it comes to relationships or finances, you may find that others are more irritating than usual. On Sunday we have a new moon in Virgo, so you will be thinking about your health and service to others, this moon tells you to be gentle on yourself and do not rush ahead to fast towards your goals or will cause a burn out. On the same day Venus, the planet of love and relationships moves into Scorpio, she does not really enjoy being here, as Scorpio becomes intense and possessive, she is here to stay for the rest of the year as she turns retrograde in October! Where there is a retro Mars Venus in never long behind……More on this later. Make sure that you are not being possessive or manipulative in any way.
10th-16th September
You can relax this week as it is relatively calm in the sky!
Mars moves back into Aquarius on Monday, do not be surprised if you here about some big turn arounds within big companies and governments, agreements may be finally made, bringing some clarity into your life. There may be some new technology shown to the world too.
Tuesday is a nice day when the sun dances with Jupiter and Pluto, any transformation or changes that are happening for you will go smoothly and you will feel in a positive frame of mind.
Wednesday Venus is opposite Uranus but sextile Saturn, so despite wanting to be cautious and wanting to discuss things with others, watch out for surprises and miscommunications, as the chat may not go according to plan! It is the kind of day you may forgot something, or say or do something you might later regret.
Thursday is a great day to have some healing or do something to help others and is a good time for any accomplishments.
The weekend brings some pleasant vibes as Mercury trines Pluto then Jupiter, favouring business, studying and travel, you will be thinking deeply and as long as you are not obsessing over your thoughts you can achieve a lot.
17th -23rd September
There is change in the air this week, with the Autumn equinox.
We start the week on Tuesday with a productive morning, Mars squares Uranus later in that day, now they are in forward motion, you will get some kind of resolution or reach some kind of understanding with another person. It is a time of resolution, rather than disharmony.
Thursday the sun catches up with Mercury, you ate likely to behaving happy conversations with others and learning something new! Anything you start today will go well. On Friday Mercury enters harmonious Libra, and will bring some balance to communications, making people be kinder to each other and think in a more rational way, it is opposite the planet of Chiron so is a good time to be thinking ways that you can look after yourself too, such as having a massage, a haircut, a manicure etc.
On Friday we have the equinox, be warned that the equinox, as the Earth finds a balance between night and day, it can make you feel a little off balance, this can sometimes result in headaches, dizziness and nose bleeds. It also marks the sun moving into sign of balance and harmony Libra. People are generally happier at this time but you will need to think about where in your life that you need more balance, who do you need to say no to? Where are you giving, but not receiving? Its time to look after you, and stop any people pleasing.
On Sunday you may be feeling a little self-critical, try not to listen to that voice! It is time to let go of any thing or anyone that is making you feel down and unhappy. You may be feeling a little lonely or sad. It is a good day to do a gratitude list to perk you up as life really is not as bad as you might feel it is today!
24th-30th September
Things can be a little tricky this week, as it is time for completion, but you will push through!
We start the week with a full moon in fiery Aries, this moon is known as the harvest moon and seems to have a orange colour, it may seem a bit of a stressful day as this moon is in bad aspect to Saturn and Uranus, so expect the unexpected, you may find that you finally get a completion of something that you have been waiting for since March time this year or someone will need to take responsibility for their actions as things are going to have to change. Keep your head down as much as you can and trust that all will be well in the end.
By Thursday things get easier, your mind will be clear and you will feel a lot more focused on your desires, you will have a lot of energy so is a good day for a tough work out!
On Sunday Pluto turns direct, giving you the chance to forgive others and feel that you can finally move forward from an experience that is no longer serving you.
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