November overview for all signs:
We start November with quite a bang on the 3rd when Mercury moves into direct motion on the very day that we have the American election. Although Mercury turning direct is welcomed, as communication becomes easier, life can still be a little stormy until the 8th.
It is highly likely that there will be technical glitches, mis-communication and errors made that could delay the results of the outcome. There may also be a lot of unrest and truths coming out. The 12th brings the third Pluto/Jupiter conjunction this year, and highlights people in power and the government, this will either bring a big crumbling or big celebration. I would say this is likely to be the date we will hear about the Presidency.
Mars also turns direct on the 13th which will be highly welcome as the last 10 weeks may of left you feeling rather lethargic and despite having lots of ideas, felt unable to push forwards, now is the time to shine your light, this is followed by a new Moon in Scorpio on the 15th which will highlight any areas you need to change or start over regarding joint resources and intimacy. Energy changes on the 21st when the Sun and Venus moves signs, relationships may become more intense but there will be excitement in the air about Christmas activities and having some fun, so make sure you book places for after December 2nd. You may even decide to decorate your house early! The 28th you will be feeling dreamy and wanting to escape reality for a while when Neptune turns direct, and then we end the month with another bang, where we have a full Moon eclipse in Gemini, if you have been having any issues with siblings or a neighbour it can be resolved now.
Daily Energy
This is a good day for heavy work and activities that require discipline and practicality, but you will find it hard to communicate with others and people will misunderstand you. You may be hard on yourself at this time and take criticism to heart. Try not to dwell too much on the negative.
Venus opposite Chiron
You will be feeling generous and kind, hopefully others will be towards you too. There is a compassionate vibe in the air and may see through anybody's sadness or anger. You may feel the need to reach out to others.
3rd-MERCURY DIRECT-(Leaves its storm on the 8th) Mercury turning direct will bring a welcome relief, communications will start to become clearer and projects can start moving forward. Look back over the last few weeks and think about what you have achieved. Have you slowed down? Listened to your body? What emotions have been brought up? Be aware that the day mercury moves forward can bring a little chaos as things start to speed up, so be wary of your actions and breathe.
Venus quincunx Uranus-You will be feeling a need for freedom and independence. You are attracted to exotic and unusual partners who are independent and up-to-date in their outlooks. You will thrive on change and the thrill of the new. Adventurous and receptive to different experiences. It is a time to have fun and do something new and different. Emotionally, there can be a proneness to anxiety, stress and unpredictability.
6th- Mercury square Saturn- This is a good day for heavy work and activities that require discipline and practicality, but you will find it hard to communicate with others and people will misunderstand you. You may be hard on yourself at this time and take criticism to heart. Try not to dwell too much on the negative.
7th- Sun quincunx Mars- You are ready for some action today, However, you may be impatience, reactive and aggressive in your manner. You will love an adventure and are prepared to take risks. You need to guard against accident proneness. You may enjoy sports today; certainly, you will take pleasure in setting challenges for yourself and competing with others.
9th- Venus opposite Mars
This day can be full of passion or full of ego energy. Venus energy is gentle, whereas Mars energy can be fiery and pushy. There could be misunderstandings, try to compromise with the opposite sex.
10th- Sun trine Neptune
You are likely to pick up on others energies today, so make sure that you protect your energy if you are already susceptible to this. You are more willing to help others out at this time, you will be feeling compassionate and will happily help out a relative or neighbour. You may also be thinking about doing something for charity, whether this is just taking some items to a charity shop, helping out at a food bank or donating some money.
This is a good time to improve your spiritual well-being by meditating or reading, as you may find that you vitality is lowered today. A good time for self-care.
Over the next 3 weeks You will have a deeply perceptive mind. You will be keenly instinctive and like to dig deep to the root of any issues. Rather than mince your words, you will tend to tell it like it is, which could upset some people. You may be interested in investigative or research work. You may find others to be secretive, suspicious and sarcastic. It could be a time where truths are told and secrets slip out. Mercury is retracing steps that you may have taken the end of September.
11th- Venus quincunx Neptune- You will be feeling creative and romantic and have a greater appreciation of beauty and your surroundings. It is a great day to sing or make a piece of artwork. Spend time in your garden or within nature. You will be sensitive to the needs of others and should be feeling in a pleasant and dreamy mood. It is a good day to use your imagination and get lost in fantasy and dreams.
12th- Jupiter conjunct Pluto-This is the third meeting of this transit this year (the first being April 4th, and the second June 30th) and can go one of 2 ways, you can create something great in your life or you can completely distort it. It can be for the good of others or for personal greed and power. There is likely going to be a conflict of interests. There could be protests, arrests and even violence as people become overly ambitious to get to the top. Equally we could have a crumbling of people in power as they are shown for what they are, and have nowhere to hide. On a personal level, use this day to scan your life and think about how you can make it better without having to use money or power to get there and success could come your way.
13th-MARS DIRECT- Mars turned retrograde on the 10th September, and you may have found despite having lots of ideas the last ten weeks have been difficult to put anything into practice, or your energy levels took a dive and had to take care of your needs. Now Mars turns direct you will find that you can push forward and start to feel excited about life again. You will have the courage and power to get things moving again. This is especially good for anyone with Aries in their chart.
14TH- Sun sextile Pluto- If a situation around you have become confused or out of hand, then today is the day to sort it out. You may even feel like having a clear out. it is a day when you will be thinking deeply, and want to get to the bottom of any work. You may be working on self-transformation and is a good day to learn something new.
Sun trine Jupiter- Today is a good day and everything should work out just as you planned. You will be feeling positive and is a great day to be around your friends or be a part of a group. Relationships with people in authority is also looking good so can be quite a productive and enlightening day.
15th- Mercury quincunx Chiron-This is a day where you will take whatever is said literally and be feeling sensitive to others emotions. it is a good day to look at what is wounding you or what you are holding onto. Communicate how you are feeling to others.
Venus square Pluto- Relationships may be rather intense today and may feel that things are changing within a relationship that you cannot control. Change is a good thing right now, so try not to cling on to what is no longer working. Relationships need growth and change to survive, so let go of control and manipulation towards a loved one, otherwise they may rebel.
This new Moon connects to your partnerships and resources and the connection you have with a partner. It is a good time to work on any intimacy issues, ask for a pay rise, go into partnership with someone or gain some new resources. Be aware that the above transits may cause a bit of tension within relationships. It is important to let go of control.
16th- Venus square Jupiter-Today you will enjoy the company of others and will feel like indulging yourself in many ways. It isn't a good day for dieters! Also try not to overspend on objects you cannot afford. Avoid doing anything on impulse. You will be in a good mood and it will rub off on others, and others will enjoy being with you too.
17th- Mercury opposite Uranus- Mind is stimulated, may get bored easily, be flexible or the day could be quite nerve wracking. The day could be full of surprises good or bad. it might be hard to keep up with the pace of the day. Try not to make any rash decisions or be impulsive, as you could later on regret it. Drive carefully.
19th- Sun sextile Saturn-
It is a day for getting on with things. You will have a strong self-discipline and will have a practical mind. Work will be important to you so will set out to achieve and tie up any loose ends.
Venus square Saturn- Regarding matters of the heart, you will act cautious and inclined to put practical considerations before romantic desires. You may have a tendency to exercise self-control in love, perhaps at the expense of emotional satisfaction and spontaneity. You view relationships seriously and value stability and fidelity in love. You may be attracted to people older than yourself and respect their life experience and maturity. You may like to spend time on your own today. There may be difficulties in expressing affection and discomfort with intimacy. You may feel inhibited and lack self-confidence resulting in feeling lonely. Estrangements and separations in love are possible today.
Relationships tend to turn more intense when Venus enters Scorpio. If there are any buried problems within your relationship or with finances then do not be surprised if the issues are brought to the surface now. You will not have anywhere to hide, so it is best to be open and honest, although uncomfortable, you will start to feel a weight has been lifted and will help you to move forward.
This marks the time of year that we start to get excited for the Christmas period and plan our social calendar, we may be doing it a little different this year, but this should not stop you from having fun! It’s a good time to look at broadening your horizons, planning for study and travel for the year ahead. You might visit some new places, if not possible than get planning ahead! Step out of your usual routine.
22nd- Mercury quincunx Mars- You may be feeling a little touchy and irritable today and find other people challenging. You will feel like you are walking on eggshells around others as there will be an air of defensiveness. You might have to fight for what you believe in today, make sure that you do not let your ego get in the way as may end up in a battle. Watch how you go, as this transit can cause little accidents whilst walking, driving or handling hot objects, connect with how you are feeling as anything that happens today could be a result of your pent-up anger. Find an outlet to express yourself.
23rd- Mercury trine Neptune-Today your imagination is heightened, you may be day dreaming and reading, taking some time to withdraw from reality and your daily obligations. You could have deep insights and feeling intuitive. Thinking may be foggy today, so do not take on more than you can handle.
25th- Venus conjunct Chiron-You will be feeling generous and kind, hopefully others will be towards you too. There is a compassionate vibe in the air and may see through anybody's sadness or anger. You may feel the need to reach out to others.
26th- Sun trine Chiron- Inspiration may come to you today about which way in life that you should be heading. You may be able to uncover your fears and deal with them, enabling you to move forward in a more positive direction.
27th- Mercury sextile Pluto- You are wanting to get to the bottom of things today and may be looking at your inner world and want to understand it better, so it is a good day to read or learn more about psychology or astrology. You may learn something new today. Be careful not to become obsessive about an idea or person.
Venus opposite Uranus- You will be feeling a need for freedom and independence. You are attracted to exotic and unusual partners who are independent and up-to-date in their outlooks. You will thrive on change and the thrill of the new. Adventurous and receptive to different experiences. It is a time to have fun and do something new and different. Emotionally, there can be a proneness to anxiety, stress and unpredictability.
Neptune wakes up from 5 months of being retrograde, we may have had to of taken a reality check since mid-June and had a feeling of dreams being out of reach. Now direct you will be wanting to escape reality a bit more. Some things we may have thought of as not real now become an existence. Not necessarily wanting to see life for what it is, there may be a feeling of going down a rabbit hole and wearing rose tinted glasses.
Mercury sextile Jupiter- Your mind is clear and sharp today and will have a good understanding of patterns that you may repeat in your life. You will have a clear understanding too about your life goals moving forward. You feel a need to work alongside others and see the benefits of working as a team. You may be itching to travel and will be thinking about places you can visit when you are able.
29th-Sun quincunx Uranus-Today can bring some sudden news or unexpected events. Be flexible and prepared especially if travelling anywhere as there could be a breakdown or delays. Relationships may be difficult today, especially if you feel restrictive or restricting someone else in some way. It is a good time to change your routine and do something differently. Watch how you go, as you may be accident prone. Patience could be hard to find.
This Full moon is an eclipse which means that the Sun and Moon are perfectly aligned with the Earth. Also known as the beaver Moon. This is the best Moon to for communication and catching up with all those chores. You may be thinking about a new study or travel. Any issues around communication, neighbours or siblings can be resolved now.
If you know your Ascendant sign or your Moon sign, read these too as may relate more to what is going on for you right now.
ARIES (21st March-20th April)
BEST DAYS: 24,25,26
MANTRA: I take steps forward.
Over the last few months, you may have been desperately wanting to make changes but have been held back, when your planet Mars turns direct on the 14th you will start to make huge progress and surge forwards, it is time to show yourself to the world. The new Moon on the 15th is urging you to look at your joint finances or resources with another, be honest with your feelings, you may even start a new partnership, in business or in romance! At the Full Moon which is an eclipse on the 30th, be careful with how you communicate to others, as may come out in a flurry of words. You may hear some news about a neighbour or a sibling, or an issue you have had between you will be resolved.
TAURUS (21st April- 21st May)
BEST DAYS: 1,26,27,28
REST: 13,14
MANTRA: I am feeling relaxed.
You may have felt a weight on your shoulders, or been feeling in a low mood these last few months, this will start to shift this month, especially when Mars turns direct mid-month. The 12th may have you in a spin when you hear some news you have been waiting for regarding a course or travel. The new Moon on the 15th gives you a fresh start in relationships, you will be ready to meet someone new if single and if in a relationship you are prepared to compromise. The Lunar eclipse on the 30th helps you to relax when it comes to finances, you may have struggled over the last few months, but you will receive the help you need, finally giving you the freedom and security, you have been craving.
(22nd May-21st June)
BEST DAYS: 2,3,4,29,30
REST: 15,16
MANTRA: I am organised.
You may have found friendships confusing or hard work lately, but once Mars moves forward on the 14th things will settle down again and have a better understanding of each other. You are starting to see yourself in a different light, and thinking a lot about how you relate to others. Its time to get yourself organised on the 15th, get your paperwork in order and be prepared for a new opportunity that may come your way connected to your career. The Lunar eclipse on the 30th is in your sign, this is the perfect time for a new beginning. It is time to take centre stage and show others your talents. You may decide to go for a new image or hair colour.
CANCER (22nd June-22nd July)
BEST DAYS: 4,5,6
REST: 17,18,19
MANTRA: I make time for fun.
This month is a good time to be light-hearted and playful, especially within relationships, the 12th may bring a bit of a tower moment but if you can be open minded it can make your relationship stronger. The New Moon on the 15th is the perfect time to go on a date or do something new and creative together. It is also a good time to start that new creative project. The Lunar eclipse on the 30th, you will want to be hiding or retreating, if you can schedule some time to go off somewhere on your own and recharge those batteries, if not snuggle up with a good book or feel good movie. Take note of your dreams as one may come true.
LEO (23rd July-23rd August
REST: 19,20,21
MANTRA: I look at things from a new perspective.
This month you will be torn between finishing off those projects at home and going out and enjoying yourself, with the new restrictions in place you will have no choice but to do the former! The 12th may bring you the work/life balance you have been waiting for. On the new Moon on the 15th you may decide that is it time to move house, it is a great day to think about where you would like to live and what you house will look like, get drawing or do a manifesting board and send it out to the universe. The Lunar eclipse on the 30th could put your friendships in the spotlight, a friend may need a helping hand, you hear some gossip or some drama unfolds.
VIRGO (23rd August- 22nd September)
REST 21,22,23
MANTRA: I communicate with ease.
You may have had to pay out for unexpected expenses these last few weeks, but once your planet mercury turns direct on the 3rd, you may find some extra cash. There may be lots of activity going on in the neighbourhood this month, especially on the 15th at the new Moon, you may have a new neighbour or decide to set up a group within your local community. The Lunar eclipse on the 30th puts your career in the limelight, look out for new opportunities and possibly a new direction.
LIBRA (23rd September- 23rd October)
REST: 24,25,26
MANTRA: I make positive changes to my finances.
You may have found it difficult to get your point of view across lately due to mercury being in retrograde but from the 3rd you will feel more confident and talkative. Finances may be on your mind this month and the new Moon on the 15th is a great time to make changes and think about how to invest or make some extra money for the Christmas period. The lunar eclipse on the 30th has you thinking about taking up a new study, going back to college or making travel plans for 2021.
SCORPIO (24th October- 22nd November)
BEST DAYS: 13,14
REST 1, 26,27,28
MANTRA: I shine brightly.
You may have been feeling like keeping yourself to yourself over the last few weeks, but you are now ready to shine again. The new moon on the 15th is especially well starred for you to step out and take centre stage, and may even surprise people with a new look or makeover, you will also have a new attitude to life, and will no longer stand for others negativity. The Lunar eclipse on the 30th, you are thinking deeply and may hear some news you have been waiting for connected to a property or business venture.
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November- 21st December)
BEST DAYS: 15,16
REST: 2,3,4,2,29,30
MANTRA: I make time for me.
The beginning of the month you may feel like taking some downtime and keeping yourself to yourself, especially on the 15th, schedule a day with a good book or get away somewhere to recharge those batteries. By the 21st you are ready to party and enjoying the company of your friends, even if it is only over the internet. There may be some changes within your home environment from the 29th. The lunar eclipse on the 30th puts relationships in the limelight, this brings a new beginning and you may decide to make a bigger commitment to someone, or you will hear about an engagement or marriage for a friend.
CAPRICORN (22nd December- 20th January)
BEST DAYS: 17,18,19
REST 4,5,6
MANTRA: I enjoy time with my friends.
You are in the mood for connecting with your friends this month, and new friends could open up to all sorts of exciting connections. The new Moon on the 15th you are especially in the mood to mingle and is the perfect day to spend with like minded people. With the restrictions, it is important to find creative ways to connect. The 12th will be a big day for you, and is time to show the world what you are made of, stand in your personal power and shine! The Lunar eclipse on the 30th may bring you a new project, you are feeling organised and confident, be open to new doors opening.
AQUARIUS (21st January- 18th February)
BEST DAYS: 19,20,21
REST: 7,8
MANTRA: I am Successful.
You have been a busy bee when it comes to work, and around the new Moon on the 15th you will be shown your success, whether it is a job interview or a new project, you are on course for a bright new beginning. After the 29th financially things will move forward and feel that you are back on track. The Lunar eclipse on the 30th you are in the mood for a celebration with friends and loved ones, get creative with how you can connect, if you are single you may meet someone new through your friendship group, if in a relationship you may be talking about the next step.
PISCES (19th February- 20th March)
BEST DAYS: 21,22,23
REST: 9,10
MANTRA: I am open to new opportunities.
You may be thinking about starting a new course this month that involves you traveling, or something that helps you to escape reality, the new Moon on the 15th is well starred to start that something new. Your planet Neptune has been in retrograde motion for the last 5 months, turns direct on the 29th which allows you to now relax and find yourself more able to go with the flow and get your creative juices flowing once more, as whilst in retrograde you may have found yourself tense. The Lunar eclipse on the 30th your attention is drawn to the home, maybe thinking about redecorating, renovating or saying goodbye to a family member as they move on to pastures new.
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